As long term investors, with a broad range of clients, we invest so that each client can sleep well at night.
We design portfolios to match your investing DNA so that you remain invested over the long-term. Portfolios are created to endure market shocks, yet expose you to future growth. They tend to be low turnover, and when appropriate, make use of options as a hedge and source of income. The portfolios are flexible and adjust to meet your changing needs over time.
We invest in a variety of traditional publicly traded securities based on your needs and objectives. While no two portfolios are exactly the same, there is commonality as a result of our Focus List, which is our primary source of new ideas for the coming year. It is composed of well-researched large cap companies demonstrating significant barriers to entry, solid financial management, and a focus on growth. We maintain a strong sell discipline, with constant reviews of all positions and portfolios.